Sergejus Gorskovas can help you unlock your confidence and reach your full potential

I have hit rock bottom multiple times in my life, but it wasn’t until I took the time to understand myself that I was able to put myself on an upward trajectory. All of the techniques I share with my clients are tried and tested by me, and they have led me to the success I have today.

As an empowerment coach, I will help you to:

  • Boost your confidence
  • Grow your self-belief
  • Make strong decisions for your future
  • Set and achieve goals
  • Stay calm and read situations well
  • Be your own cheerleader
  • Ask for a promotion
  • Charge your worth
  • Increase your productivity
  • Recognise sabotaging thoughts and behaviours

Why Do I Need An Empowerment Coach?

Think of me as your boxing coach. When life knocks you down, it's my job to help you to get back up. I analyse the patterns of your life to see where the most effective use of your time and energy would be. I tell you where to hit hard to get the best results and suggest strategies and tactics that will help you win. After a loss, we will talk through what happened and look for areas of improvement, and after a win, we will celebrate and turn our eyes to the next challenge.

I can help you with issues such as:

  • Being overlooked for promotions or pay rises
  • Poor money management
  • Inability to negotiate
  • Lack of confidence
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Past issues that hold you back

If you are ready to change your life, contact me today.